ICC public meetings on war in Ukraine

Submitted by Alf on April 22, 2022

Imperialist war and the responsibility of revolutionary organisations

1pm, Saturday 7 May,
(Face-to-face, but also with online connection)
Venue: Bertrand Russel Room, Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
5pm, UK time, Sunday 8 May: online
If you want to connect online, please write to [email protected], indicating which meeting you want to attend.
In the face of the war in Ukraine the ICC draws on the historic contributions of the Communist Left to defend an internationalist position. In practice this means:
- No support for any side in imperialist conflicts
- Opposition to pacifism
- Only the working class is a force for social change, ultimately in the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism
- In the struggles and reflections of the working class, revolutionary organisations have an essential role to play in the development of class consciousness
- the struggle against imperialist war demands the cooperation and solidarity of authentic internationalists
Come to the meeting to discuss the issues raised by the war in Ukraine and the tasks of revolutionaries.


2 years 10 months ago

Submitted by Alf on May 3, 2022

This coming Saturday and Sunday - if you want to participate online, let us know in advance


2 years 10 months ago

Submitted by Alf on May 6, 2022
