Internationalist Statements on the Ukraine War

Submitted by link on April 15, 2022

A list of internationalist statements about the Ukraine war. Unfortumately the hyperlinks have been lost but the original is at this website.

KRAS-MAT – CRAS-IWA : statement of 02/25/2022 made by internationalist comrades from Russia and a very interesting interview of this group.

Internationalist Perspective : the position taken by this group in the USA and a long but very interesting analysis : DON’T FIGHT FOR “YOUR” COUNTRY!

De te fabula narratur : internationalist leaflet in French and Spanish of this communist-collectivist anarchist group of Budapest-Vienna.

Internationalist Communist Perspective : this internationalist group in South Korea has written an excellent position paper on the war in Ukraine linking it to rising tensions with China and between the two Koreas. It is part of the common initiative taken by the ICT : NWBCW.

Internationalist Wage Slave : short and excellent revolutionary-internationalist denunciation of the war in Ukraine : THE MAIN ENEMY IS IN OUR OWN COUNTRY! (in French in the PDF file)

International Group of the Communist Left : this group has published a leaflet, an interesting Theses on the meaning and consequences of the imperialist war in Ukraine and a strong support for the ICT initiative : NWBCW.

Tendance Communiste Internationaliste : a short tract, a declaration substantial, a more global analysis developed during a public meeting with a report of it and a position taken by an Iranian workers’ group : No War but the Class War: Statements from the Haft Tappeh Workers. Their joint initiative : NWBCW.

Institut Onorato Damen : excellent analysis of the imperialist issues between Europe and the USA during the preparatory phase of the Ukrainian conflict. Originally published in Italian, in English on the AFRD website. They also translated into English a good article from IOD summarizing their analysis: On the Russian (and American?) Invasion of Ukraine.

International Communist Party – Proletarian : analysis of this organization and its leaflet No to imperialist mobilization around the war in Ukraine !

Controversies – FGCI : the analysis which was developed on this site.

Pantopolis : internationalist blog very well supplied with analyses, positions and historical reminders, mainly in French and sometimes in several languages. Pantopolis supports TCI’s NWBCW initiative while making some interesting critical remarks.

Critical Materials : a statement from March 1 and a second on March 18.

Mouvement Communiste : a long analysis developed by this group.

Class War : This internationalist group has existed since 2008-2009 and publishes its texts or translations of other organizations that it considers interesting in many languages, mainly Czech, English and French.

Fragments from the history of the radical left : a very useful reminder of the analyses, positions and attitudes of revolutionary-internationalists during the Second World War - in French : Introduction and original documents.

We can also advise here this other video (22 minutes) on the role of belligerent propaganda around the bourgeois opposition (defense of democracy versus fascism and dictatorship) which made it possible to involve the population in the butchery of the Second World War.

Antonie Pannekoek Archives : a very useful reminder of the analyses, positions and attitudes of revolutionary-internationalists during the First World War with texts by Anton Pannekoek, Lenin, Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, etc. in French, English, German and Dutch.

Barbaria : a very dynamic young internationalist group in Spain. Two of its contributions are translated into English by AFRD : Some fundamental positions of proletarian internationalism and War in Ukraine: the cat and the mouse.

International Communist Current : a tract and a more developed analysis.

La Oveja Negra : Argentinian blog having written a very firm denunciation of the conflict imperialist in Ukraine. Translated by Internationalist Perspective.

A Free Retriever’s Digest : this internationalist blog also lists a maximum of positions, analyzes and debates from a revolutionary point of view on the war in Ukraine . It is more comprehensive for the English language than our own statement. It also offers many very neat translations (unless otherwise stated).

INTER-REV. – Internationalist Political and Social Forum : In the event of war, internationalists have always had the reflex to recognize each other, contact each other, discuss and take a position on the as clear and unified as possible. Unfortunately, this is very rarely the case today. This is why we salute the reflex of this Forum in Spain which, like us, had the reflex to publish a maximum of internationalist positions in addition to its own analyzes and declarations... but it also provides elements for discussion on these declarations and he also strongly criticizes all the political forces (leftists in particular) who take facts and causes for one of the two imperialist camps present. All these texts were written in Spanish but they also exist in English and French (approximate because carried out with an automatic translator). The reader will find all the links (in French) in the PDF file opposite.

Left wing communism : this internationalist blog also collects a very wide range of positions, analyzes and debates on the war in Ukraine, a range that sometimes overflows the sphere of the internationalist camp when it deems it necessary. It is very complete for the English, German and Dutch language. Translations are usually done automatically using DeepL. The moderator of this blog and that of Inter-Rev formulated strong critical remarks on the two joint initiatives and proposed a third alternative.

Prospettiva Marxista – Circolo internazionalista “coalizione operaia” : position statement in English of this internationalist circle in Italy.

Internationalist Voice : Position of this group.

International Communist Party – The Communist Left : this group has published two texts : Capitalism is War - To stop it, the working class must bring capitalism down and Capitalism Needs War.

An internationalist has sent us the following leaflet which he is actively distributing: UKRAINE: NEITHER NATO, NOR PUTIN BUILDING A 3rd INTERNATIONALIST WAY (cf. PDF opposite - in French)

Proletarios Revolucionarios : several analyzes in Spanish of this Ecuadorian blog.

Arbeidersstemmen : this internationalist blog in the Netherlands publishes Dutch translations of many revolutionary positions on the war in Ukraine as well as a long and interesting article in Dutch entitled : De inter-imperialistische oorlog in Oekraïne
Van Luxemburg, Pannekoek, Gorter en Lenin tot ‘Radencommunisme’.

Arbeiterstimmen : This internationalist blog in German publishes translations of many revolutionary positions on the war in Ukraine.

Panfletos Subversivos : this blog has existed since 2007 and publishes numerous Spanish translations of generally (but not always) internationalist tracts and analyzes on the conflict in Ukraine.

Asedio : blog in Chile which published two positions in Spanish on the conflict : Invasión a Ucrania, opiniones sueltas and La guerra de descomposición del capitalismo ruso.

Emancipacion : this Argentina blog published an internationalist position paper in Spanish on the conflict in Ukraine : Ucrania-Rusia : el enemigo principal está en casa.


2 years 8 months ago

Submitted by Spikymike on May 4, 2022

This is a very useful longer contribution to the list of Internationalist Statements against the war and its international ramifications economic, political and cultural from Charles Reeve here:

Edit: Not there are also additional related posts on the Internationalist Perspective website.


2 years 7 months ago

Submitted by Spikymike on June 2, 2022

I'm not a supporter of the ICP but I thought their latest May edition of their journal had a decent brief summary of the issues around the latest Russian/Ukrainian war including references to the terminology of 'Fascism' and the role of Turkey here:


2 years 7 months ago

Submitted by Spikymike on June 12, 2022

Some additional anarchist statements here: and