Submitting content

Submitted by albatross on May 2, 2022

Hi, I submitted an article by Marie Goldsmith about two weeks ago, but it hasn't appeared yet. Is this a site error, or does it just take a long time for submissions to be approved by admin, and I am just being impatient?


2 years 2 months ago

Submitted by Steven. on May 2, 2022

Sorry about the delay! Both of those have now been approved, and your contributions and future no longer need editor approval so they should appear instantly


2 years 2 months ago

Submitted by albatross on May 2, 2022

Okay, thanks for that. I wanted to check as I didn't want to continue submitting stuff if there was an error. Cheers.

Francesco De Luca

1 year 9 months ago

Submitted by Francesco De Luca on October 12, 2022

Hi. I am experiencing the same problem. It's been about two weeks since I submitted an article, but it hasn't appeared yet.

Submitted by Steven. on October 12, 2022

Francesco De Luca wrote: Hi. I am experiencing the same problem. It's been about two weeks since I submitted an article, but it hasn't appeared yet.

Apologies for the delay, now approved

Submitted by Francesco De Luca on October 24, 2022

Thank you very much. I would like to ask another question. The "edit" section in the article is not working. Is there any other way to make minor edits? If not, could my article be erased and resubmitted it again? Thanks again for your answers.

Submitted by Steven. on October 24, 2022

Francesco De Luca wrote: Thank you very much. I would like to ask another question. The "edit" section in the article is not working. Is there any other way to make minor edits? If not, could my article be erased and resubmitted it again? Thanks again for your answers.

can you see the Edit section? What happens if you click it?
Please post the URL of the article you are talking about so we can investigate the problem. Editing articles works just fine, so we need to look into why it is not working for you and fix it

Francesco De Luca

1 year 8 months ago

Submitted by Francesco De Luca on October 25, 2022

Thank you for your reply Steven.

I can see the Edit section. And when I try to save my edits, I see a very long error that starts with the text below:

"Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in Drupal\book\Plugin\Validation\Constraint\BookOutlineConstraintValidator->validate() (line 56 of core/modules/book/src/Plugin/Validation/Constraint/BookOutlineConstraintValidator.php)."


1 year 8 months ago

Submitted by Steven. on October 25, 2022

Thanks so much this additional info is really helpful. Very sorry about that. Have tried tweaking your user permissions. Can you let me know if it works for you now?

Authored on
May 2, 2022