Explain Cartoon Anyone?

Submitted by westartfromhere on February 10, 2025

Not a US citizen speaking here, with no knowledge of this Kennedy's view on vaccination, I will presume to interpret. Mr Kennedy is suspicious of the motivation behind the movement to vaccinate on mass for generally non-lethal conditions, such as bird flu. The liberal/bourgeois establishment, in tune with the necessity for the political economy to increase the rate of valorisation of capital (in this instance by the production and sale of innovative vaccine technology), is ridiculing said Kennedy for his "dangerous" views. Anywhere close?


1 week 1 day ago

Submitted by nastyned on February 14, 2025

No, the next flu pandemic is likely to originate from birds. There are some strains that if they manage to cross species will be very nasty.


1 week 1 day ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on February 14, 2025

Yes, if it is as bad as the swine flu and the bat, or lab, flu, all of which our family have suffered with, it will indeed be nasty, ned. Thankfully, our benevolent governments have stockpiled plenty of the necessary commodities to safeguard against contagion, "even though there is no evidence that the avian influenza, known as H5N1, can currently spread between humans."


1 week 1 day ago

Submitted by nastyned on February 15, 2025

Yeah, H5N1 is the one they're most worried about.