Question on Kronstadt Kids

Submitted by Dave Antagonism on January 18, 2006

Hi All

i sometimes come across the name of this supposed late 1970s London anarcho/autonomist grouping. Does any one have any more details about them or know where i can find some writtings?



:@: :bb: :rb: :@:


18 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by MalFunction on January 18, 2006

weren't they just cartoon characters?


18 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on January 18, 2006

AFAIK it was just a cartoon that used to be in Freedom, an anarchist newspaper.


18 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Alf on January 18, 2006


Looking back at my old issues of World Revolution, in no 20 (October 78) it says "In a forthcoming issue of WR, we will publish another leaflet which attacks the ANL from a revolutionary standpoint 'The ANL, the Left, and a Labyrinth of Conformity', produced by a group calling itself 'Kronstadt Kids'."

I think it was published in WR 21, but the issue seems to be missing from my collection. However, if you're interested, I could track it down.

Dave Antagonism

18 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Dave Antagonism on January 18, 2006

Hi Alf, if you could find it it would be great . The ICC do not have a section in Australia any more ( he converted to Islam) so it would be nigh on impossible to get a copy here. I came across a reference to Kronstadt Kids in a paper on the conference of socialist economists website in around 2000-2001. It seemed to identify them as autonomist ( or maybe autonomia influenced) elements that then went into Class War




18 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on January 19, 2006

Dave Antagonism

... section in Australia ... he


jef costello

18 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on January 19, 2006

If they're as schizophrenic as the ones here it's quite embarassing that all his personalities switched over.


18 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by alibadani on January 19, 2006

schizophrenic mindless drones. Interesting.


18 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Alf on January 19, 2006

There are numerous ways in which bourgeois society can destroy revolutionary militants. In today's irrational times, religion is one. But so far parasitism has been far more destructive.

Back to Kronstadt Kids. Dave I have tracked down the issue and will get the article put into electronic format. You could send your e-mail address to [email protected] and we will send it.

We were in contact with a couple of the people in Kronstadt Kids for some years after this, although I'm not sure where they are now.


18 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by bbbbb on February 14, 2006

Hi Dave Antag,

among the main members of Kronstadt Kids was one person who recently hit another person over the head with an iron bar, causing him to receive hospital treatment, in the context of a division which had taken place in the London anti-glob scene. The victim of this attack also hung out with KK, although I don't recall whether or not he was a member. Another person, who was a member, had a garish choice of fake surname, and went off up north, last I heard. All of these three people then became involved in CW.

I would strongly advise against taking what the ICC said about KK as being wholly reliable, although of course their publications are as useful as any, for chasing up docs etc.

The ICC once accused me in their snoozepaper of having inherited the 'legacy' of 'Pour une Intervention Communiste' - a Paris-based group with GS as its leading light. (I don't recall the exact issue, and in case anyone asks, I am not prepared to dig through the files to find it! Would have been somewhere early-mid 1980s)

Re. KK, you may also be interested in the Monday Group, which relates to KK.

Just in case anyone cares a hoot, I should say - I did not belong to any of the groups mentioned above.


18 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Ramona on February 14, 2006


All of these three people then became involved in CW.

Class War are amazing 8)


18 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by bbbbb on February 14, 2006



All of these three people then became involved in CW.

Class War are amazing 8)

I came across their current incarnation recently in the form of a grubby sticker encouraging shoppers to buy cigarettes on the black market, and thereby avoid paying tax.

The phrase 'how stupid can they get?' comes to mind.

Dunno what fags people smoke on 'Eastenders'.

When running CW, bonehead was also involved coming up with biz ideas with Cynthia Payne. Maybe the question 'how stupid can followers get?' is more apt.

Out of interest, who wrote the version of the IB novel containing the stuff about the 'Cancer Liberation Front'? It's on the ball in very many ways, but it's much too tasteless for me, and I don't condone mocking illnesses. Was it done by who I suspect?

And is there actually a genuine IB novel of that name, that this is a piss-take of?



18 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by AnarchoAl on February 16, 2006

I know very few of the acronyms in this thread.

ICC is, I guess, some marxist group. International Communist Something?

GS is...? IB is...?

CW=Class War was easy of course.

I mean FFS*, this is meant to be Introductory thought.

* ha! I too can use TLAs!


18 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by gurrier on February 20, 2006


Dave Antagonism

... section in Australia ... he



What happened to d'other one (when I was in oz there was an equally odd woman who hung out with him).

Where can I find a proper polemic about this situation?


18 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on February 20, 2006


I know very few of the acronyms in this thread.

ICC is, I guess, some marxist group. International Communist Something?

International Communist Current - left communists, post on here,

GS is...?

no clue

IB is...?

Maybe Class War founder Ian Bone?

Glory hunter

18 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Glory hunter on February 23, 2006

bbbbb ?



18 years ago

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Submitted by Leutha on July 9, 2006

I just came across this thread recently.

GS is Guy Sabatier, who published Traité de Brest-Litovsk 1918, coup d'arręt de la révolution - Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Death Blow to the Revolution - in 1983.

The Kronstadt Kids was a name used on a leaflet, and did not go further than that. There was another leaflet put out in the name of the London Autonomists by the same people before they went into Class War. Half of them left CW in 1985, dissatisfied with the drift back to anarchism partricularly developed by IB. :r:

Splits and Fusions

3 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Splits and Fusions on December 19, 2020

Further to this old discussion... I believe Kronstadt Kids was also the Authority Collective who published the International Discussion Bulletins. Certainly issue 2 publishes a letter from the French group PIC addressed to "Authority / Kronstadt Kids"


3 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Fozzie on December 20, 2020

Also the Splits and Fusions archive has a copy of World Revolution #21 which includes the text of the Kronstadt Kids leaflet about the Anti-Nazi League:

R Totale

3 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on December 20, 2020

Classic patronising intro the ICC have helpfully added there.


3 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by lurdan on January 1, 2021

The leaflet reproduced in World Revolution 21 was of course produced by the same people who produced the 'The Anti-Nazi League is a Bourgeois League' leaflet reprinted in World Revolution 20. According to WR that was distributed at the second large Brockwell Park Rock Against Racism march/event in September 1978. It was reprinted at least once more a couple of years later.

Krondstadt Kids/London Autonomists/Box 666 all denoted some combination of members of the Monday Group and the Rising Free collective. The magazine Authority came out of the same circles. When the second issue of Authority was produced I think some of those involved had the idea it might become something more 'group-like' but that didn't happen. The International Discussion Bulletin was the English language version of a project begun in France and was essentially the work of one member of the Rising Free collective who did all the translating, typing and duplicating.

The way to understand this is that there was a North London milieu which, along with the Monday Group and the Rising Free collective, also included the Anarchy collective and the London Workers Group. There was cross membership between groups and this generated solo and side projects and a fair bit of joint working. The fact that there were distinct groups, but acting within a closely linked milieu which produced 'pop-up' projects, led to a certain amount of confusion when dealing with other groups (notably within Intercom for example).

I think it's fair to say those four groups were the key ones in this milieu. But it's important to add that the milieu existed within a much broader North London political and social scene in the late 70s/very early 80s which included other anarchist and libertarian groups and individuals.

Authored on
January 18, 2006