An article about the growth of the Saudi Labour movement and additional radical opposition groups, focussing on two strikes at the ARAMCO oil company in 1953 and 1956. Copied to clipboard Attachments Labour and Opposition in Saudi Arabia.pdf (1.15 MB) nationalism strikes 1970s 1950s Islam Iraq oil Saudi Arabia Bahrain Toby Matthiessen PDF Comments
Ninth-century Muslim anarchists - Patricia Crone Interesting article from 2000 by Patricia Crone about groups of essentially anarchist Muslims from southern Iraq in the ninth century.
1991: The South Iraq and Kurdistan uprisings The history of the uprisings in Southern Iraq and Kurdistan in 1990-91 which involved large numbers of mutinous troops who had deserted during …
SWP: The party of god - Wildcat Leaflet produced by Wildcat in 1988 concerning the First Gulf War (that is, Iran versus Iraq). It compares the position of the Socialist Workers…
Poznan 1956 and Radom 1976 A background report for Radio Free Europe written in 1981, detailing the workers uprisings in Poznan '56 and Radom '76. Readers should bear in…
1977: Egypt's bread intifada A short history of the country-wide uprising against the termination of state subsidies for basic commodities in January 1977. Despite savage…
SPGB Conference and delegate meeting reports The Socialist Party of Great Britain (SPGB) conference and Autumn delegate meeting (ADM) reports archive.