Haringey anti-poll tax poster Great pamphlet about the successful fight against the poll tax in Haringey, north London. Produced by Haringey Solidarity Group in 1999, this pamphlet gives an excellent snapshot of the struggle in one London Borough. Copied to clipboard Digitised by libcom.org in December 2012 Attachments Poll Tax Haringey.pdf (1.74 MB) Haringey Solidarity Group social movements United Kingdom Haringey poll tax PDF Comments maybe we should have a maybe we should have a council tax rebellion
Poll Tax Rebellion - Danny Burns Full scanned version of the definitive grassroots history of the mass working class movement which defeated Margaret Thatcher's poll tax. 17…
Children's strikes in 1911 - Dave Marson Dave Marson's excellent 1973 pamphlet on the little-known mass walkouts of schoolchildren in the UK and Ireland in 1911, the same year that saw…
The Destruction of Toytown UK - BM Blob A collection of accounts and analysis of the Poll Tax riot, 1990, published by BM Blob.
Class War #41 1990 Class War #41 from 1990. Including: death of Tory MP Ian Gow, direct action against bailiffs, Class War member Andy Murphy vs Hackney Council,…
Marx and the Anti-Poll Tax Movement - G. Barr The poll tax was not an act of pure madness but was an attempt to deal with the intractable problems of the public goods crisis that afflicted…
A true account of the New Model Army - Paul Z. Simons An account of the New Model Army and its links with the Revolutionary movements unleashed by the…
maybe we should have a
maybe we should have a council tax rebellion