Psychogeographical look at the ever increasing encroachment of militarism and high tech surveillance into urban areas. Copied to clipboard Attachments Graham, Stephen - Cities Under Siege. The New Military Urbanism.pdf (7.02 MB) surveillance Stephen Graham PDF Comments
Panopticism - Michel Foucault “Is it surprising that prisons resemble factories, schools, barracks, hospitals, which all resemble prisons?” This is chapter 3 of Foucault’s…
1984 - George Orwell A world with constant surveillance, perpetual war and a militarised police state, George Orwell's most famous novel was a warning against…
1984: George Orwell Romano de George Orwell pri mondo regas unu partion. Dikaturo de la partio nepre dominas ĉia de penson kaj agon.
The CIA reads French theory: on the intellectual labor of dismantling the cultural Left - Gabriel Rockhill Notwithstanding its limitations, an interesting historical look at the state's…
Korean workers riot in Vietnam, 1967 - Shelby L. Stanton The riot by Korean workers at Vinnell Corporation, Cam Ranh Bay during the Vietnam War.
1986-88: Haitians Demand Civilians Government and Democratic Election After the downfall of Baby Doc Duvalier Haiti was ruled by a US supported Junta. The campaign that…