Coal not Dole - The Miners Videotape Project

Videos made by the NUM to counteract the government narrative of the strike. Contains many interviews from rank and file members and supporters from around the UK.

Submitted by Reddebrek on October 1, 2019

During the Miners strike of 1984-85 faced with unrelenting hostility from the government and much of the media the National Union of Mineworkers and members of the Association of Cinematograph, Television and Allied Technicians (ACTT) and some other sympathisers started the Miners Videotape Project, to document the strike and raise awareness of events on the picket lines and in the mining communities.


Part 1: Not Just Tea & Sandwiches


Part 2: The Butchery of the Coal Board


Part 3: Solidarity


Part 4: "Straight Talking"


Part 5: The Media and the Miners Strike


Part 6: Just doing their Job? 


Archive links

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6



5 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Reddebrek on October 1, 2019

The credits in some of this tapes say this is supposed to be a ten part series, but I've not been able to find any evidence that parts 7 onwards were made or shown. Everywhere I've found details about this series like a BFI dvd just list the first 6

Nymphalis Antiopa

5 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Nymphalis Antiopa on October 1, 2019

For a long history of the miners, including masses of stuff on the '84-'85 strike not blind to the contradictions of the NUM, see : So Near So Far