Where translations into English are cited, references are usually to most recent editions or impressions or to those most likely to be accessible. A number of works in this bibliography were issued without information about the date and/or place of publication.
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GOMBIN, R., The Origins of modern Leftism (tr. from French), Penguin Books, 1975.
GORTER, H., Die Klassenkampf-Organisation des Proletariats, Berlin, 1921 (repr. in Pannekoek, A. and Gorter, H., Organisation und Taktik der proletarischen Revolution, Frankfurt, 1966).
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GUERIN, D., Rosa Luxemburg et la spontaniéte révolutionnaire, Paris, 1971.
HEGEL, G. W. F., Hegel's Science of Logic, London, 1969.
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JAY, M., The Dialectical imagination, London, 1973.
JORN, A., Critique de la politique economique, Paris, n.d. (1960).
KAUFMANN, W. (ed.), Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre, New York, 1956.
KEEP, J. L. H., The Rise of Social Democracy in Russia, Oxford, 1963.
KOLB, E., Die Arbeiterriite in der deutschen Innenpolitik 1918-1919, Diisseldorf, 1962.
KOLLONTAI, A., Workers' Opposition, 1919-20.
KOOL, F. (ed.), Die Linke gegen die Parteiherrschaft, Often, 1970.
KUBANIN, M., Mahnovsik'na, Leningrad.
LARRY, R., Alexandre Ivanovic Henen, Paris, 1928.
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LAMPERT, E., Studies in Rebellion, London, 1957.
LEHNING [Miiller], A., Anarchisme et marxisme dans la revolution russe, Paris, 1971.
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LENIN, V. I., The Development of Capitalism in Russia, London, 1957.
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LICHTHEIM, G., Lukacs, London, 1970.
LIEBNECHT, K., Politische Aufieichnungen aus seinem Nachlass, Berlin, 1921.
LIEBMAN, M., Leninism under Lenin (tr. from French), London, 1975.
LONG, P. (ed.), The New Left, Boston, Mass., 1969.
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LUKACS, G., History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics (tr. from German), London, 1975.
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MCLELLAN, D., The Young Hegelians and Karl Marx, London, 1969.
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MAKHNO, N., La revolution russe en Ukraine, Paris, 1970.
MALIA, M., Alexander Herzen and the Birth of Russian Socialism , Cambridge, Mass., 1961.
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METT, I., Kronstadt Commune, 1967.
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SERGE, V., Memoirs of a Revolutionary (tr. from French), London, 1967.
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