A Study in Modern Revolutionary Thought By Richard Gombin (1979) Author Richard Gombin Copied to clipboard Introduction: The Alternative 1. The Soviet State: Myths and Realities (1917-21) 2. The radical tradition in Russia 3. Council Communism 4. The critique of Marxian reification (1) Bibliography Book traversal links for The Radical Tradition - Richard Gombin Introduction: The Alternative Printer-friendly version council communism workers councils Russian Revolution 1917 Comments
The communist left in Germany 1918-1921 - Gilles Dauvé and Denis Authier A analysis of the revolutionary movements in Europe at the end of World War I, their contradictions…
Fundamental principles of communist production and distribution Full text of Fundamental Principles of Communist Production and Distribution, Collective work of the…
Council communism - Richard Gombin Richard Gombin's 1978 introduction to the history and theory of council communism.
Paul Mattick Interview by J.J. Lebel This interview was given in February 1975. It was never published. Initially it was aimed to be part of a radio programme on workers' councils…
The Communist Left and the resolutions of the second congress of the Communist International - Henriette Roland-Holst Dutch communist Roland-Holst argues against using the objective and subjective…
Council communism or councilism? - The period of transition Book review of Philippe Bourrinet “The Dutch and German Communist Left (1900-68); ‘Neither Lenin nor…