A very critical review of the popular Marxist intellectual's work. Copied to clipboard Attachments mattick.pdf (88.55 KB) reviews Paul Mattick Jr. David Harvey Comments can I just check - is this can I just check - is this Paul Mattick Junior, i.e. a different person to Paul Mattick? Probably his son? If so, the author tag here needs to be edited because putting in a comma separates two different names yes author is son of paul yes author is son of paul mattick
can I just check - is this can I just check - is this Paul Mattick Junior, i.e. a different person to Paul Mattick? Probably his son? If so, the author tag here needs to be edited because putting in a comma separates two different names
Stupid regulators and greedy financiers or business as usual? - Chris Wright As the occupy movement in the US this week shifts its attention from the shiny crystallisations of…
Chomsky ignores lessons of wars on Kosovo Marxist Humanism's review of Chomsky's book on the war in Kosovo, in which they criticise him for failing to make enough of Milosevic's crimes.
Call Centers and Militant Inquiries - a Discussion Review of Kolinko's book, Hotlines: Call Centre - Inquiry - Communism
Darkness at midnight: Review of Midnight Oil - Work, Energy, War, 1973-1992 by Midnight Notes A review of an anthology of articles by the US autonomist Marxist-influenced…
The Hive of Liberty - review As a new edition of The Hive of Liberty is published Tom Jennings welcomes renewed interest in 18th century Tyneside radical Thomas Spence.
can I just check - is this
can I just check - is this Paul Mattick Junior, i.e. a different person to Paul Mattick? Probably his son?
If so, the author tag here needs to be edited because putting in a comma separates two different names
yes author is son of paul
yes author is son of paul mattick