A book written by Nutmeg Brown and Ally Greenside about Southern anarchist Ross Winn. Copied to clipboard Ross Winn: digging up a Tennessee anarchist Moderation in Nashville? Book traversal links for Winn, Ross: digging up a Tennessee anarchist Ross Winn: digging up a Tennessee anarchist Printer-friendly version anarchists biographies Texas Tennessee Nutmeg Brown Ally Greenhead Comments
Choongo, Wilstar 1964-1999 A short biography of key Zambian anarchist organiser and librarian Wilstar Choongo.
Berneri, Marie Louise, 1918-1949 Marie Louise Berneri was a leading member of the Freedom Group during the Spanish Civil War, the Second World War, and until her early death.
Bouyé, Henri, 1912-1999 A short biography of Henri Bouyé, who kept the French anarchist movement going throughout World War II and rebuilt the movement following the war…
Tejada, Macario, 1913-1967+ Biographical information about Spanish soldier, anarchist and Civil War fighter Macario Tejada.