A book written by Nutmeg Brown and Ally Greenside about Southern anarchist Ross Winn. Copied to clipboard Ross Winn: digging up a Tennessee anarchist Moderation in Nashville? Book traversal links for Winn, Ross: digging up a Tennessee anarchist Ross Winn: digging up a Tennessee anarchist Printer-friendly version anarchists biographies Texas Tennessee Nutmeg Brown Ally Greenhead Comments
Feldman, Leah, 1899-1993 A biography of Polish-born anarchist Leah Feldman, nicknamed the "Makhnovist Granny" who tirelessly devoted her life for the cause of working…
Meltzer, Albert, 1920-1996 A short biography of British anarcho-syndicalist print worker Albert Meltzer, who was active providing support to the Spanish Resistance.
Sirakova, Mariola, 1904-1925 Biographical information about Bulgarian student, actress and anarchist revolutionary Mariola Sirakova.