Zerowork 3

This was intended to be the third issue of Zerowork on the subject of immigration, however it was never published.

Submitted by Steven. on February 18, 2013

Here is the table of contents. As you can see we have most of the articles in the archive, however a couple of pieces are missing. We do not know if this is because they were never written, or if they have just not been scanned. So if you know or if you have them please let us know in the comments.

General Introduction
Editors' Introduction to Flores
Estevan T. Flores, A Call to Action: An Analysis of Our Struggles and Alternatives to Carter's Immigration Program, Pamphlet, 1977.
Beyond the Select Commission
Box Insert: "Next Stop 1984: Computers, Identification Cards and Immigration Control", prepared for ZW#3.
Editors' Introduction to Ramirez
Bruno Ramirez, "Immigration, Class Composition, and the Crisis of the Labor Market in Canada", article prepared for Zerowork #3
Editors' Introduction to Moulier & Ewenzyck.
Yann Moulier and Pierre Ewenzyck, "Immigration: The Blockage of Mobility in the Mediterranean Basin," 1978
Mogniss, "The Meditations of Young Immigrant Workers", Patchwork, Paris: CINEL, 1980.
Editors' Introduction to Dalla Costa
Mariarosa Dalla Costa, "Reproduction and Immigration", 1974



10 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by hcleaver on August 26, 2013

To the Z#3 materials at has just been added: Ferruccio Gambino's "Class Composition and U.S. Direct Investment" - originally published in Luciano Ferrari Bravo (ed) Imperialismo e classe operaia multinazionale, Milano: Feltrinelli, 1975, but translated into English for inclusion in the unpublished third issue of Zerowork. The article is in English (html + MSWord) and soon in pdf of the original Italian.