Iran: bus drivers issue solidarity statement

The Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company (Vahed) Union, issued a statement of solidarity with the French transport workers.

Submitted by mobarez on November 28, 2007

In the statement, issued on November 23, 2007, workers say "[we] have learned that the French government along with their capitalist allies has pummeled your retirements rights that had been gained over many years of struggle."
"Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company Syndicate unequivocally supports your great cause and let it be heard that your struggle is the struggle of all workers of the world.
Destruction of workers’ rights under the umbrella of progress is the norm in all capitalistic societies, and your victory is our victory. We stand with you."
The statement continues: "As you are aware during the last three years the workers of Vahed Syndicate have been denied and put under severe pressure for the most basic of labour rights which have been universally accepted. Presently, the president, Manour Osanlou, and the vice president, Ebrahiem Madadi, of our union are both in prison."

Vahed Syndicate voiced its support for the recent French Transportation Workers' strike and expressed hope for their success.



17 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by oscar on November 29, 2007

Hi Friends

I read few articles on your page in regard to Iranian labour movement. It looks that you want to reflect something on your site without thinking critically. Please be careful. We have to go to depth and avoid superfical thinking.

