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Title Submitted by Comments Posted
(Post-)referendum Scottish politics - Arianna Introna Rory Reid 3 7 years 6 months ago
The CNT and the IWA, part 2: The crisis in the IWA as seen from the CNT OliverTwister 70 7 years 6 months ago
G. Lukács and his theory of "reification" - Israel Weinstein Noa Rodman 2 7 years 6 months ago
Antonio Negri: a revolt that never ends Ed 4 7 years 6 months ago
Building Working-Class Defense Organizations: An Interview with the Twin Cities GDC Kdog 1 7 years 6 months ago
Books against borders Nate 1 7 years 6 months ago
A response to the article "Rojava: An anarcho-syndicalist perspective" boomerang 15 7 years 6 months ago
MERRY MARXMAS DigitalSocialist 1 7 years 6 months ago
Black Panthers in London: who were they and why should they interest anarchists? - Carlus Hudson Rory Reid 1 7 years 6 months ago
Communism is the Material Human Community: Amadeo Bordiga Today - Loren Goldner jef costello 6 7 years 6 months ago
5,000 years of debt? Johnny 11 7 years 6 months ago
Counterinfo Lab – Kiss ma hole: autonomous struggles in Scottish politics and culture Rory Reid 3 7 years 6 months ago
Berlin, ISIS and the Middle East wars Spikymike 1 7 years 6 months ago
Identity Politics potrokin 43 7 years 6 months ago
Industrial Worker (August 9, 1930) Juan Conatz 1 7 years 6 months ago
Castro is dead klas batalo 33 7 years 7 months ago
Discussion: anarchist shop experiences - Mike Harris Steven. 4 7 years 7 months ago
BBC News Noah Fence 4 7 years 7 months ago
The sans culottes in the French Revolution, 1793-1797 - Edinburgh DAM Steven. 4 7 years 7 months ago
Xmas 2016 gifts for libcommers? jondwhite 16 7 years 7 months ago