Direct Action (SWF): Vol 7 #06 Dec (61) 1952 Syndicalist Workers Federation on: Franco and UNESCO, British dockworkers, engineering workers fight wage claims, George Cores on Bloody Sunday,…
Direct Action (SWF): Vol 7 #05 Nov (60) 1952 Syndicalist Workers Federation on: TUC wages policy is rubbish, Labour Party conference, striking dockers attacked by Buenos Aires police,…
War against war from Russia: is the second bloody summer to be hot? Part 22 On this photo from the Moscow regional prosecutor’s office – the first day of this summer: in a…
Direct Action (SWF): Vol 7 #04 (59) Oct 1952 Syndicalist Workers Federation on: TUC sell out on wages, Nazi Krupp is post-war industry magnate, Maximoff book review, Franco's prisons, NUJ…
A History of the American Working Class from Colonial Times to 1890 - Friedrich A. Sorge Friedrich A. Sorge was the leading Marxist in the United States in the post-Civil…
How to achieve a society without power? The ultimate goal of anarcho-communists is the radical change of the social and economic system throughout the world - we will call this change…
Direct Action (SWF): Vol 7 #03 (58) Sept 1952 Syndicalist Workers Federation on: tory attack on living standards, Cuban police frame syndicalist for murder, trade unions and the revolution by…
Direct Action (SWF): Vol 7 #02 (57) July 1952 Syndicalist Workers Federation on: Euston railwaymen defy union bosses, Unions have taken the wrong road by Frank Rowe, stop turning refugees…
Why am I an atheist? The title of this article was taken from a book written by the revolutionary socialist "Bhagat Singh" of India. However, this article will differ…
Direct Action (SWF): Vol 7 #01 (56) June 1952 Syndicalist Workers Federation on: 10,000 anti-fascsists arrested in Barcelona, textile workers, against Nationalisation, conscientious objectors…
Direct Action (SWF): Vol 6 #08 (55) Oct 1951 Syndicalist Workers Federation on: fighting the new Conservative government, Dagenham Cable workers win pay rise, settlement reached after South…
De theorie van de geslachtelijke afsplitsing en de kritische theorie van Adorno. In verschillende teksten gaat Roswitha Scholz in op de band en de verschillen van Adorno's kritische theorie met de waardeafsplitsingstheorie. Dit is (de vertaling van) één ervan.