Axed Game staff occupy shops Former staff at closed Game stores have occupied their workplaces to demand redundancy payouts
Is it either or? Professional ideology vs. corporate-media constraints - Florian Zollmann An article by Florian Zollmann discussing Herman and Chomsky's propaganda model,…
Comparing Fordist cities: urban crisis and union response in Detroit 1915-45 and Turin 1950-75 Essay by Ted Perlmutter comparing the industrial cities of Detroit and Turin, their…
Successful Fare Strike on New York Subways This morning tens of thousands rode the New York City subways for free in a Fare Strike organized by Occupy Wall Street in coordination with rank…
Scenes from the general strike in Portugal On March 22nd the second general strike in four months took place in Portugal, ending in confrontations with the police in Lisbon, and once again…
Gheorghiu, Stefan, 1879-1914 A short biography of writer and revolutionary syndicalist from Romania, Stefan Gheorghiu.
Abolish workfare - a guide to the government's unpaid work schemes A 16-page guide to the government's unpaid labour schemes, the logic behind them, and resources for…
Syndicalism - Victor Griffuelhes In this essay published in 1908, Victor Griffuelhes discusses the basic principles of revolutionary syndicalism; advocates the tactic of struggle…
The New Rulers Of The World (Documentary) 'The New Rulers Of The World (2001) analyses the new global economy and reveals that the divisions between the rich and poor have never been…
CGT, CNT and SO call for participation in the 29 March general strike Joint statement by the Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT), Confederación Nacional del Trabajo …
Government to use scab drivers and the police to break fuel strike Tanker drivers in the UK have voted in favour of strike action over health and safety standards. The…