Joint statement by the Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT), Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) and Solidaridad Obrera (SO) trade unions, appealing to the working class in Spain to join the day of strike action called for 29 March 2012.

The trade union organizations Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT), Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) and Solidaridad Obrera (SO), organizers of the general strike on 29 March next, appeal for active participation on the occasion of this strike on the part of all those who live and work here in Spain, of the working class whether employed or not, of the social movements, collectives of unemployed and precarious workers, popular neighbourhopod assemblies, the young, students, pensioners, the sick, migrants, the deprived... an appeal to the whole population for this strike and the mobilizations to be a success, an appeal so that we can bring production and consumption to a complete halt, to demonstrate in favour of a radical change in the economic and social policies being followed by the various governments, an appeal to defend our dignity and our union rights which are being taken away from us by means of the Labour Reform law, the Social Pact and the other anti-social laws that the government and the bosses are planning.
The aim of the CGT, CNT and SO in calling this general strike is not to renegotiate the Labour Reform law, but to repeal it together with all the other anti-social economic measures that are a direct attack on the working class.
We demand the withdrawal of political, legislative and applicative measures introduced by capital which only go to increase unemployment, the loss of collective and individual rights, the casualization and exploitation of the working class, and impede a fair redistribution of labour, wealth and well-being.
We demand the immediate application of measures which can effectively deal with the drama of unemployment, casualization, uncertainty and insecurity in the workplace.
The strike of 29 March is a very important date, but if necessary there will be future mobilizations and another general strike until such times as our objectives are reached.
The CGT, CNT and SO will continue to seek the greatest possible unity and cooperation with all those trade unions and social movements who seek to defend the rights of the working class, social justice and freedom.
The struggle is on the streets and in the workplace!
29 M - General Strike against the Labour Reform and the Social Pact!
Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT)
Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT)
Confederación Sindical Solidaridad Obrera (SO)
Originally posted: March 27, 2012 at Anarkismo
Some pix from today
Some pix from today

I'll put some translations on
I'll put some translations on the spain thread