The Shadow #20 (October 1991) Including: Tompkins Square Park bandshell demolished, Mayor evicts homeless encampment, squatters, the rise of Antonio Pagan, pro-choice and anti…
Freedom vol1 #7 July 1919 Including: the individual in war and peace, psychology, IWW vs Oklahoma oil, etc.
আন্দোলনের কলাকৌশল (Method of Struggle) একটি সফল শ্রমিক স্বাধীনতাবাদী আন্দোলন পরিচালনার কলা কৌশল ইংরেজী ভাষা থেকে বাংলা ভাষায় অনুবাদ করে প্রকাশ করা হলো। দুনিয়ার নানা যে সকল বাংলা ভাষা…
Neither Zelenski Nor Putin… // POSTERS Let's Turn Capitalist War & Peace into World Social Revolution
Freedom vol1 #6 June 1919 Including: new editors Harry Kelly and Leonard Abbott, anarchism/syndicalism/IWW, account of police interview with Freedom editor, Nicholas…
Freedom: A Journal of Constructive Anarchism Partial online archive of this anarchist-communist journal published in New York from 1919. 10 issues were produced.
The Shadow #19 (August 1991) Including: Tompkins Square Park police state, who is New York council candidate Antonio Pagan?, Mayor Dinkins exposed, methadone, etc.
Situating "the blurred trail of the Cangaceiros on the social pampas" Three introductory texts to Os Cangaceiros - a European direct action group originating in France in…
The letters of Os Cangaceiros in relation to "13,000 Escapes" English translations of the group's letters to individuals and organisations associated with the…
FOTOGRAFI, PROTES, DAN KEKUATAN MASYARAKAT DI JEPANG, 1960-1975 Di tengah pergolakan sosial dan politik, para fotografer dan pembuat film Jepang tidak hanya merekam…
Memories of John Dennis A remarkable miner from Kiveton Park colliery, South Yorkshire, who kicked the bucket on the 22nd of May, 2002. Compiled by David Wise and…