Film Review: AFA on Romper Stomper Anti-Fascist action review Romper Stomper and contrast their position with that of the Anti Nazi League. From Fighting Talk issue 6.
A Right Result We have devoted a relatively large amount of space in this issue of Fighting Talk. to the following account of the trial of a group of fascists, after a race attack in the village of…
Interview With NZ Social Activist: Alex Pirie Aotearoa Workers' Solidarity Movement (AWSM) interviews NZ-based social activist Alex Pirie. He discusses his personal circumstances as well as local, regional, national and international issues.
AFA and the Police - Whatever You Say, Say Nothing Anti-Fascist Action's guide to interactions with the police. From Fighting Talk issue 4, 1992/3.
Mexico's Turmoil Continues: The Maquiladora Strikes The article below has been provided by a CWO sympathiser. It gives a brief sketch of a continuing struggle where we again see workers organising…
Reclaiming the skinhead tradition - review of "Spirit of '69" by George Marshall Review of a book about Skinhead culture, taken from issue 2 of Anti-Fascist Action's Fighting Talk…