Fight Capitalism - Not its Symptoms A growing gulf between the ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ is in itself only a symptom of the disease. The real problem is that capitalism in crisis has…
Dissecting the right's "free speech" rhetoric An analysis of the reactionary co-option of the term "freedom of speech" in the age of Trump and Bolsonaro, and discussion of how best to respond…
"The writing is on the walls": Interview with a striking LA teacher At the time of this writing, members of United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) have been on strike for a…
Racists, Reds and the Revolt on the Clyde, 1919 The story of a race riot that broke out in Glasgow, during the height of Red Clydeside militancy, when around 30 black sailors were chased out of…
“Jaune” [Yellow] – The newspaper to win !!! HERE I upload the very last improved version of the translation !!! “Jaune” is a state of mind. That of determination. After two months of…
Matamoros strike threatens to shut down North American auto industry The strike by 70,000 auto parts workers in Matamoros, Mexico is beginning to affect production at US…
10 Step Guide to Detecting Conspiracy Theories & Bullshit This article suggests tools for debunking conspiracy theories. It argues such ideas are a dangerous…
Some Further Thoughts on the Yellow Vests Movement At the time of writing – early January 2019 – it is difficult to say whether the movement of the gilets jaunes has entered a phase of reflux…
Wage battles erupt in the Bangladeshi garment sector – and unions can’t contain them The past two weeks have seen mass walkouts and wildcat strikes by thousands of garment workers…
Russia’s “anti-fascist” fascism is not a far-away, exotic reality. It’s here What they said at the 19 January demonstration in London to support Russian anti-fascists
1964: British troops help Julius Nyerere suppress a mutiny In 1964 a wave of mutinies swept Tanganyika, Kenya, and Uganda. Julius Nyerere requested military…