Links to PDFs of 96 left-wing books Here's a list (taken from of some good leftist books. Click on the titles for the PDFs. It's a somewhat arbitrary list, but I…
Build the Revolution: Anarcho-Syndicalism in the 21st Century A text from the Radical Education Department, looking at contemporary debates over anarcho…
Boredom Weeps: Graffiti, curses, inscriptions of May 1968 A book of graffiti and sloganeering from the events in France, May '68.
Beyond Philosophy: Reconciliation and Rejection. Three Essays on Aristotle and Hegel - Ute Bublitz The meaning of philosophy is deeply linked to reconciliation. And reconciliation to…
The Sorry Spectacle of “Marxists” in Defence of Chinese “Collective Capitalism” An Italian comrade takes a sardonic look at the latest abasement of so-called “academic Marxists” at…
Peoples Assembly Election Carnival: Leftist "Yellow Vests" show their true colours On 5 January demonstrators wearing yellow vests assembled in London to demand a ‘hard’ Brexit that…
The Crisis of the Sudanese Regime It was the tripling of bread prices which sparked off the current revolt in Sudan. People first took to the streets in the town of Atbara in…
Emergence and Anarchism: A Philosophy of Power, Action, and Liberation Included is the complete ebook of S Nicholas Nappalos' Emergence and Anarchism.
Harry Cleaver debates Hillel Ticktin: on capitalism's present crisis... danger and opportunity A debate organised by Radical Chains and London Notes in London in the 1990s.
Radical Chains #4 Issue 4 of Radical Chains, cleaned up from the scan made by the Spirit of Revolt archive.
Radical Chains #2 Issue 2 of Radical Chains, cleaned up from the scan made by the Spirit of Revolt archive.
Radical Chains journal A partial online archive of Radical Chains, a London-based libertarian communist journal with five issues published 1989-1998.