Who is profiting from Syria? This is one of a series of articles written by Shoal Collective in the run-up to the DSEI arms fair. This one focuses on Syria, who is involved…
DSEI will host Israeli government, military and defense industry representatives Originally published on International Middle East Mdia Center This September, the world’s largest…
Rojava: the fraud of a non-existent social revolution Text from Mouvement Communiste and Kolektivně proti Kapitălu in response to recent myths propagated…
The early Christian communists The early Christian Communities practiced communism, here's how we know.
Standing with Syrians: an open letter to an anti-imperialist Eva is a real person who I have known since 2007, as described in this article. But in this text Eva…
Where the revolution is more likely to happen, in developed or nondeveloping countries? There is no doubt that over the last couple of decades our movement has declined dramatically . Not…
Changing the name of Kurdistan Anarchist Forum to Kurdish-Speaking Anarchist Forum Changing the name of Kurdistan Anarchist Forum to Kurdish-Speaking Anarchist Forum
On the Line Vol. 3, No. 1 (February-March 1980) The Vol. 3, No. 1 (February-March 1980) issue of On The Line, the monthly newsletter of the New York based Libertarian Workers Group.
A historical look at attitudes to homosexuality in the Islamic world Although it is very different now, Shoaib Daniyal recounts historical examples of tolerance of…
Neither your war, nor your peace - Argelaga A July 2016 editorial on contemporary Islamic terrorism, its origins as an ally of the West in the anti-Soviet war, and its effects on Western…
Struggles for autonomy in Kurdistan - Corporate Watch A book from Corporate Watch on Kurdish struggles and corporate complicity in the repression of…
Democratic autonomy in North Kurdistan: An interview with the Democratic Society Congress This Democratic autonomy is a movement which aims to establish a network of…