The Platform of the Workers Alliance – Valeriano Orobón Fernández A 1934 newspaper article by Valeriano Oborón Fernández, a leading theoretician of the CNT, in which…
Are We Going Back to the 1930s? You would have to be well over 80 to directly remember anything about the 1930s. The nearest thing to real experience of that time, for those in…
The Socialist The Socialist, publication during the 1930s of the Socialist Educational Society (SES) out of which formed the World Socialist Party of the United States, companion party of the World…
The Destructive Character - Walter Benjamin Text published originally in the Frankfurter Zeitung at 20th November 1931.
Mosley's fascists and the narrative of victimisation A look at a common point of divergence on the effectiveness of anti-fascist action and its wider…
Rady robotnicze - Anton Pannekoek Holenderski astronom, marksista i główny teoretyk niemiecko-holenderskiej lewicy komunistycznej Anton Pannekoek o radach robotniczych. Tekst…
Political Protest in Interwar Japan A collection of propaganda produced by Leftist political parties, Unions and the Proletarian Cultural movement. With accompanying notes placing…
O biurokracji sowieckiej - Andrzej Stawar Analiza biurokracji sowieckiej autorstwa Andrzeja Stawara. Przewaga biurokracji w Związku Radzieckim nie była czymś przypadkowym: określiły ją…
O bonapartyzmie i faszyzmie - Andrzej Stawar Wrzucanie wszystkich objawów reakcji do jednego worka zaopatrzonego mianem faszyzmu powoduje ogromny zamęt w pojęciach. Przy takim szerokim…
Against the mainstream: Nazi privatization in 1930s Germany An article about the wave of privatisations carried out by the Nazi party in the 1930s.
Orobón Fernández and the Workers Alliance – Ramón Álvarez Palomo A short biography of Valeriano Orobón Fernández, widely regarded as one of the great figures of…
Who were the Grzechists? A number of conflicting political currents had their beginning in the Communist Workers’ Party of Poland (KPRP). One of the earliest of these…