Lagorce, Gérard (1947-2023) aka Hagar Dunor aka Gégé A short biography of Gérard Lagorce, French anarchist communist militant, active in the 1968 events…
Kevrik, Vera Yevgenyevna (or Yevlampievna in one report) (1893-1926?) A short biography of Russian anarchist Vera Kevrik, harshly persecuted by the Soviet authorities.
Prince, Jacobo (1901-1978 ) aka Yakoub Prinzman aka Jacques, Tocayo, Eduardo Mendez Beade, Eduardo, Mendez A short biography of Jacobo Prince, an important anarchist communist militant in…
Bidoli, Giovanni (1902-1944) aka Nini A short biography of Giovanni Bidoli, Italian anarchist who perished in Nazi Germany.
Pavon, Iris (1906- 1951) aka Alejandrina Serrat A short biography of Argentinean anarchist activist and poet Iris Pavon.
Hamas, anarchists in the West and Palestine solidarity: An analysis In the West, it is practically impossible to speak publicly about Hamas in any way that isn't an…
Pisarevskaya, Elena Grigorievna (1902- not before 1956) aka Salinger A short biography of Russian anarchist communist Elena Pisarevskaya, hounded by the Soviet…
We Demand freedom for Azat Miftakhov News about the condition of Azat Miftakhov a Mathematician and Anarchist political prisoner who has been in persecuted since 2019.
Serge Livrozet, anarchist, safecracker and writer Short biography of Serge Livrozet, anarchist, writer and safecracker
Kazimir Kovalevich and the Underground Anarchists A short account of the anarchist communist Kazimir Kovalevich and the Underground Anarchists of Moscow