From Barcelona With Love: The spectre of Spanish anarchism in Liverpool A look at the early influence of Spanish anarchism on Merseyside.
Indignados in Seville and Barcelona: reports from the #spanishrevolution Reports from anarchists in two different cities in Spain about the assemblies movement there. From…
Class, culture and conflict in Barcelona, 1898-1937 - Chris Ealham This is a study of social protest and repression in one of the twentieth century's most important…
¡Pistoleros! 2:1919 - The Chronicles of Farquhar McHarg Extracts from Pistoleros! The Chronicles of Farquhar Mcharg, the fictional memoirs of a Scottish anarcho-syndicalist based in Spain.
Disobeying the Banks: An Interview With Enric Duran An interview with Enric Duran, who expropriated nearly half a million euros from Spanish banks to use for anticapitalist projects.
Female consciousness and collective action in Barcelona - Temma Kaplan Article on women's protests in Spain between 1910 and 1918, which had many similarities to those…
Organizing worker struggles through direct democracy: the Barcelona bus drivers struggle for two days off, 2007-2008 An account of the Barcelona bus workers victory.
1951: Barcelona general strike A brief description of social conditions in post-Civil War Spain followed by an account of the Barcelona general strike of 1951. The events in…
Sabate Llopart, Francisco, "El Quico", 1915-1960 A short biography of Sabate - the most famous and one of the most tenacious fighters in the armed resistance to Franco. Surviving longer than…
1931: Barcelona mass rent strike The story of one of the biggest rent strikes of the 20th century where more than 100,000 people faced down the landlords and the government winning improvements for many tenants.
La Canadiense and Barcelona general strike, 1919 - Sam Lowry A short history of the Barcelona general strike of 1919 which began after the sacking of eight…
1909: The Barcelona revolt A brief history of a successful general strike and rebellion in Barcelona.