The political economy of human rights - Robert Kurz In this article written in 2002 during the build-up for the second Iraq War, Robert Kurz exposes the ideology of human rights in the context of…
Self-emancipation and consciousness - Démocratie Communiste (Luxemburgiste) A brief statement concerning the relation between consciousness, collective struggle, emancipation…
On cooperation - Paul Delesalle An article by the French anarchosyndicalist Paul Delesalle in which the author points out some of the shortcomings of cooperatives from a…
Lessons of the counterrevolutions - Amadeo Bordiga A 1953 text in which Amadeo Bordiga examines the lessons of counterrevolutions from the defeat of Spartacus to the Battle of Legnano in 1176 and…
The anti-capitalist revolution in the west - Amadeo Bordiga In this concise1953 programmatic text presented at the Genoa Meeting of the International Communist…
The war against territory, the highest stage of domination - Miguel Amorós An essay on the contemporary crisis (“the real crisis”) as the assault of capitalism against “the…
Things I Hate About San Francisco's Gentrification: A Love Poem This piece -- a tweeter poem of sorts, in 140 lines of 140 words or less -- originally appeared at…
Preliminary discourse - Encyclopédie des Nuisances The introductory essay of the first issue of the journal, Encyclopédie des Nuisances (The Encyclopedia of Nuisances, or Encyclopedia of Harmful…
Business as usual: The economic crisis and the failure of capitalism - Paul Mattick Jr. The recent global economic downturn has affected nearly everyone in every corner of the globe.
"Preface" to Impasse Adam Smith - Jean-Claude Michéa A provocative introductory essay by the author of Impasse Adam Smith that maintains that the Left, “which has always presented itself … as the…
The American Peace Corps: volunteers for free enterprise [extended] Originally post on "Reflections on a Revolution" Like many Americans, I knew very little…
A companion to Marx's Capital, volume 2 - David Harvey David Harvey's reading guide to Karl Marx's Capital volume 2.