The enigma of capital and the crises of capitalism - David Harvey Taking a long view of the current economic crisis, eminent academic David Harvey explains how…
Disassembly required: A field guide to actually existing capitalism - Geoff Mann To imagine how we might change capitalism, we first need to understand it.
Essays on Marx's theory of value - Isaak Rubin Essays on Marx's theories of value by a seminal Marxist writer. Originally published in the former Soviet Union, Rubin's work was suppressed and…
An introduction to the three volumes of Karl Marx's Capital - Michael Heinrich The global economic crisis and recession that began in 2008 had at least one unexpected outcome: a…
On the question of reforms Discussing the question of support for reforms against opposition to reformism.
Throwing a Wrench in the "Capitalism Works" Piece I'm not sure quite where to start my rant on this public art project in Times Square by Steve Lambert (…
A companion to Marx's Capital - David Harvey “My aim is to get you to read a book by Karl Marx called Capital, Volume 1, and to read it on Marx’s own terms…”: David Harvey's reading guide to…
The Arab ruling classes in the 1970s - Mohammad Ja'far Text of a talk by Mohammed Ja'far on the development of the Arab ruling classes during the 1960s and…
Institutional Control of Social Struggles - Miguel Amorós Miguel Amorós argues that the traditional mechanisms of social control and integration (parties and…
The dialectic of rise and fall - Miguel Amorós The text of a 2011 lecture that proclaims that it is too late for reforming capitalism, even with “green” neo-Keynesian policies, and invokes…
Toward the human community - La Guerre Sociale A 1982 article first published in the journal La Guerre Sociale on the prospects for a communist movement, with discussions of politics,…
Notes on "the Situationist International: the art of historical intervention" - Miguel Amorós A short summary of the history of the Situationist International, with brief…