Insurrectionary Practice and Capitalist Transformation A discussion between The Batko Group and Sasha K, 2005
Five simple reasons to abolish capitalism This is not going to be theoretical. There’ll be no discussion of the alienation of labor or the theory of surplus value. I won’t even be…
Workers of the world unite! - Some notes on class unity and identity politics There's been several articles posted lately critical of identity politics from a class struggle…
Wars and Capitalism - Kropotkin Russian anarchist, Peter Kropotkin writes of the part capitalism and industry plays in starting wars between two governments.
The separation of the economic and the political in capitalism - Ellen Meiskins Wood Ellen Meiskins Wood analyses the extent to which capitalism can be separated into political (state)…
The origins of capitalist development: a critique of neo-Smithian Marxism - Robert Brenner Robert Brenner's critique of the market-focused theories of development which…
Agrarian class structure and economic development in pre-industrial Europe - Robert Brenner Robert Brenner's influential essay on the origins of capitalism, arguing that the…
Commentary on "Toward a Pro-Revolutionary Strategy Targeting Patriarchy" Some additional commentary and explanations of 'Toward A Pro-Revolutionary Strategy Targeting Patriarchy'.
Toward a Pro-Revolutionary Strategy Targeting Patriarchy Gayge Operaista lays out a conception of gender as a vital weak link of capital worth attacking.
S01E016 - Capitalist realism. In discussion with Mark Fisher An edition of the Novara radio show in discussion with Mark Fisher, the author of 'Capitalist…
One dimensional woman - Nina Power Exposes the dark heart of contemporary cultural life by examining pornography, consumer capitalism and the ideology of women's work.