The expropriation of time - Robert Kurz A brief essay on the history of people's experience of time and its transformation from the cyclical time of the Middle Ages that was wholly…
The destructive origins of capitalism - Robert Kurz Brief essay on the role played by the "military revolution" in 16th century Europe in the genesis of capitalism and, among other things, the…
Presenting the Krisis Group's Manifesto against Labor - Norbert Trenkle German author Norbert Trenkle's 2001 discussion of the Krisis Group's Manifesto against Labor,…
Reading Marx in the 21st century-Robert Kurz In this introduction to his 2001 book, Marx Lesen, German author Robert Kurz sets forth brief summaries of his concepts of "non-simultaneity", …
In this world, but not of this world - Gilles Dauvé Gilles Dauvé discusses his 1972 essay Capitalism and Communism, Marxism and the state capitalist countries of the 20th century, the position of…
How a capitalist restaurant functions An extract of Abolish Restaurants which outlines and explains the production process in a capitalist restaurant, which we feel is instructive of…
Let's make the rich richer and the poor poorer – that's the American dream! A response to the call by left group MoveOn for "investment, to create decent jobs…" in the US.
Capitalism's Dismal Future - Paul Mattick An essay about the current crisis of capitalism adapted from Paul Mattick's book Business as Usual: The Economic Crisis and the Failure of Capitalism.
Did the Bolshevik seizure of power inaugurate a socialist revolution? A Marxian inquiry - Paresh Chattopadhyay Chattopadhyay applies Marxian categories to the Russian Revolution of 1917 to…
The Marxian Concept of Capital and the Soviet Experience - Paresh Chattopadhyay Paresth Chattopadhyay's book elaborating on Marx's concept of capital and applying it to the economy…
Government cuts - 'Are they really as stupid as they seem', by Hillel Ticktin There are a surprising lack of convincing explanations as to why the capitalist class is pushing…