Climate Change: Capitalism is the Problem The capitalist mode of production, characterised by exchange for profit, private property, wage labour and capital accumulation, has only existed…
Communism Without Workers: An Anarcho-syndicalist Critique Of The Communisation Current Anarcho-syndicalist critique of communisation
WorkersWildWest no.8 - A local working class newspaper from west-London A local working class newspaper: spreading work-place and struggle reports and propagating…
Thoughts on overcoming despair Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will. But perhaps even some cautious optimism of the intellect, too?
Are we now in a period of transition from capitalism to socialism? H. Ticktin’s concept of decline and transition Capitalism must be overthrown before a transitional period can be initiated. There…
Cuadernos de Negación – Against the Valorization of Life – Part I We have decided to undertake the task of translation the whole of CUARDERNOS DE NEGACIÓN 11th issue …
The Working Class Holds the Key to a New World Such a world will be organised according to the original motto of Karl Marx “from each according to their ability; to each according to their…
Out of this Capitalist Impasse - A New World Has to Take Shape The post-war boom melted away decades ago. It produced a mass consumer society unheard of in history…
The necessity of a moral revolution Reflections on the moral transformation that has to occur, and that we can expect will occur in the coming decades.
Towards an International Meeting in Kurdistan We received and publish… In front of the expansion of the Middle-East War and the new Iran-Iraq revolutionary waves: Towards an International…
The Marxist ideology in Russia - Karl Korsch In this text from 1938, Karl Korsch puts forward the notion that Marxism in Russia effectively served as the ideological cloak of capitalist…