Ryanair Don't Care week of action (commencing March 12th 2012) The Ryanair Don't Care campaign is calling for a week of action against exploitation and recruitment…
Wage Theft Picket An account of a campaign to win a worker's back wages through pickets and the threat of escalation.
I'm striking on N30 because... ...the ruling class is attacking all of us, not just our pensions but our jobs, benefits, public services and communities. It's about time we…
Direct action: an introduction libcom.org's brief introduction to direct action and why we advocate it, as opposed to other forms of political activity.
Sparks fly: electricians' direct action over pay cuts Earlier this year the ‘Big 8’ major construction employers announced plans to tear up an industry…
Against Kamikaze Capitalism: Oil, Climate Change and the French refinery blockades Anarchist David Graeber discusses the current ecological crisis and workers' direct action.
On the Phenomenology of Giant Puppets On the phenomenology of giant puppets: broken windows, imaginary jars of urine, and the cosmological role of the police in American culture. David Graeber, author Direct Action: An Ethnography, examines the 'anti-globalization' movement and its practices.
Direct Action? Who Cares! An article that appeared in the April 2011 issue of the Industrial Worker that explains that direct action isn't solely used for its effect on …
Solidarity Federation to agency workers: together we can fight back and win! The past couple of months have seen SolFed engage in an escalating “disruptive action” campaign to…
A letter to UK Uncutters from the 'violent minority' Letter to UK Uncut members by members of the Solidarity Federation in the aftermath of the disorder on the March 26 TUC organised March for the…
Winning the argument or winning the fight? Shane Mason argues that winning the argument about cuts is all very well but society "is not a debating chamber but a power struggle between different groups with competing interests" - and we should fightback accordingly.
The paradox of reformism: a call for economic blockades Statement from Brighton Solidarity Federation on the crisis, popular protest and why 'being right'…