Domaschi, Giovanni, 1891-1945 A short biography of courageous anarchist and veteran escapee, Giovanni Domaschi who was tortured and had an ear severed before dying in the…
Götze, Ferdinand 'Nante', 1907-1985 A short biography of German anarcho-syndicalist, Ferdinand Götze, who was also active in Sweden and Spain.
The Battle of Cable St, 1936 - Joe Jacobs Joe Jacobs was in 1936 a local Communist Party activist in London's East End. This is his account of his involvement in the famous defence of the…
Pedrini, Belgrado, 1913-1979 A short biography of anarchist Belgrado Pedrini who took part in antifascist resistance and as a result served 30 years in prison in post…
Bonomini, Ernesto, 1903-1986 A short biography of Italian anarchist and Spanish Civil War fighter, Ernesto Bonomini, who assassinated a leading fascist in France.
The role of the Catholic Church in Yugoslavia's holocaust - Seán Mac Mathúna, 1941-1945 Historical information about Catholic priests and Muslim clerics being willing accomplices in the…
"The Renewal of Medieval Times" in Yugoslavia, 1941 Article from the Fascist-controlled press in Italy in 1941. The author, Corrado Zoli, was traveling through Bosnia and witnessed the Ustase…
Critique of autonomous anti-fascism - Wildcat (Germany) Article about the background to the violent attacks on foreign workers in Hoyerswerda in ex-DDR at…
Making a killing - Christian Dewar Article detailing links between big business and the Nazi regime during World War II.
Cieri, Antonio, 1898-1937 A short biography of Italian anarchist rail worker, anti-fascist militant and Spanish Civil War fighter Antonio Cieri.
A review of Joe Jacob's 'Out of the Ghetto' - Al Richardson A review of the late Joe Jacob's excellent autobiography. Growing up in London's Jewish East End, Joe was variously a Communist Party militant, anti-fascist, Trotskyist, and in his later years a member of the Solidarity libertarian socialist group.
Audrey Hepburn - Dutch Resistance courier Born of wealthy fascist parents, actress Audrey Helpburn became a courier and raised funds for the Dutch Resistance in World War II.