General Strike: France 1968 - A factory by factory account Andre Hoyles analyses the development, organisation and end of the mass strike in France, 1968, with…
Slogans of 68 Slogans of the May 1968 revolt in France. These first appeared mainly on the walls of Paris during May and then spread internationally.
Fred Vermorel in Paris, May 1968 An entertaining and atmospheric account of May 68 from street level, alongside amusing correspondence betweed Fred and the libcom group.
Marti, Vicente, 1926-2006 A short biography of Spanish anarchist Vicente Marti who fought in the resistance to Franco and was involved in the anarchist movement in France.
1968: a chronology of events in France and internationally A brief chronology of the events which swept France in May and June 1968. Starting as a student…
May 1968 Documents - Situationist International Documents produced by the Situationist International or groups the Situationists were involved with during the mass strike and revolt of the…
Citroen Action Committee - I A short account of the Citroen Action Committee in the May 68 uprising, by Fredy Perlman.
Worker-student action committees, France May '68 - Roger Gregoire and Fredy Perlman An in-depth look at the worker-student action committees in the uprising of France May '68.
The mass strike in France May-June 1968 - ICO Text on the mass strike in France in 1968 written by Informations et Correspondance Ouvrieres (ICO) and published in English as Root & Branch…
Paris: May 1968 - Maurice Brinton's diary A vivid and exciting eyewitness diary by Maurice Brinton (the writing pseudonym of Chris Pallis) of Solidarity on the events in Paris in May 1968…
Eclipse and re-emergence of the communist movement - Gilles Dauvé and François Martin A book by François Martin and "Jean Barrot" (aka Gilles Dauvé), influential since the 1970s among…
Guerin, Daniel, 1904-1988 A biography of the French libertarian communist and gay liberationist intellectual, Daniel Guerin.