Zorn über Stolz: Ein Aufruf an „radikale“ cis (het) Männer und ihre Unzulänglichkeit in Gender-Kämpfen A translation of Adrienne Onday's “Wrath Over Pride”
The Wolverine #2(?) (1984) Probably the 2nd issue of The Wolverine from 1984. From a scan by the comrades at Spirit of Revolt archive, Glasgow. Contents include: Miners…
The Wolverine - Gay Voices of Hostility Online archive of The Wolverine, a class struggle anarcho-gay newsletter loosely connected to the London Autonomists/Monday Group - some members…
Cuba: Fading Star in the Caribbean (1986) A 1986 left-wing critique of Cuba as state capitalist, dependent & dominated by Russian imperialism, and still burdened by racism, sexism, and…
Homosexual Desire - Guy Hocquenghem Homosexual Desire is an exhilarating analysis of capitalist societies' pervasive fascination with, and violent fear of, same-sex desire.