The Raven #40: Genetic Modification An issue of The Raven from Autumn 1999 covering issues around genetically modified food from various perspectives. Edited by Donald Rooum.
The privatization of nature and the enclosure of life – Colectivo ETCÉTERA A 2012 essay on the transformation of capitalist industrial agriculture into an all-devouring…
Notes on technological domination and the myth of the citizen - Some Enemies of the Best of All Transgenic Worlds Published in Spain in 2000, this withering critique of biotechnology—composed in…
The final solution - Renaud Miailhe An essay on biotechnology, its ideological precursors and its disastrous implications, with discussions of eugenics, futurism, fantasies of space…
In the name of reason - Encyclopedie des Nuisances The Encyclopedie des Nuisances pronounces its judgment against GMOs on the occasion of the 2001 trial of one of its members, Rene Riesel, for the…
Food, glorious food! Communist perspectives on nature and humanity #1 Article about genetically modified (GM) foods from the summer of 1999. We do not agree with its "ethical consumerist" conclusions, but reproduce it for reference.
We Don't Gotta Show You No Stinkin' Gene Screens! interview with dr. paul billings, by shelley diamond & greg williamson
The Quest For Microwavable Pasta and Other Vital Needs tale of toil: biotech secretary, by robin wheatworth