Direct Action (SWF): Vol 8 #02 (63) May 1953 Syndicalist Workers Federation on: pay increase for American dockers, 250,000 strike in Brazil, D.C. Thomson strike in Glasgow, Tom Brown on why…
Direct Action (SWF): Vol 7 #05 Nov (60) 1952 Syndicalist Workers Federation on: TUC wages policy is rubbish, Labour Party conference, striking dockers attacked by Buenos Aires police,…
Cores, George 1867-1949 A brief biography of George Cores, an English anarchist active for over sixty years.
Personal recollections of the anarchist past - George Cores A personal account of episodes in the life of a little-known anarchist militant and shoe-maker from Leicester, George Cores, 1869-1949, who was involved in the Socialist League.