Mental health workers on strike in support of colleague Nearly 700 UNISON members in Manchester Community and Mental Health branch went on strike yesterday…
As health workers prepare for ballot, Unison leaders back off Unison national secretary has angered union activists by demanding that local branches take a…
Fiji: Public sector strikes grow amid death threats and intimidation A week long strike by 1400 nurses in Fiji expanded on Thursday as 1000 teachers and 300 public works…
NHS/UNISON health workers disappointed at low pay increase offer UNISON calls government pay increase "paltry." Improved offer expected; NHS ballot in August…
Ivory Coast: hospital workers win strike over benefits and bonuses Workers at the University hospital in Treichville have ended a three-week strike after management agreed a series of concessions.
Cameroon: wildcat strikes win improvements for hospital staff Nurses and other hospital workers have won important concessions after launching a country-wide…
New Zealand: 800 Hospital cleaners locked out after strike Around 800 workers contracted to Spotless Services Ltd have been locked out of their kitchen,…
Poland’s health care workers’ strike: new challenges and old problems As a mass health-care strike enters its sixth week, all that may be achieved is the speeding-up of…
South Africa: ‘Massive’ strike spreads on 13th day A nationwide public sector strike by hundreds of thousands of workers has shut down schools, courts and hospitals in a bitter dispute over pay…
The great Northampton General Hospital lie in, 1977 A short history of a successful example of creative direct action against healthcare rationing in a British hospital.
Trinidad: Nurses on work-to-rule Nurses have been told to work to rule at medical institutions from today.
Anger at cuts as £500m NHS surplus found Union leaders today reacted angrily to the news that the NHS has underspent by £500m as a result of aggressive cuts imposed by Patricia Hewitt,…