Serbia: Students protest and occupy A participant's report of new student protests against neo-liberal "reforms" of the education sector.
What is anarcho-syndicalism? - libertarian reformism, vanguardism or revolutionary unionism? This controversial article was a reflection of how the author saw things at the…
An open letter to the IWA from SAC, 1998 An open letter from a member of the Malmö local of the SAC to members of the IWA about their relations as well as anarcho-syndicalism more generally.
Bonometti, Ettore, 1872-1961 A short biography of Italian anarchist militant Ettore Bonometti, who helped found the anarcho-syndicalist union the USI.
1860-today: The International Workers Association The history of the anarchist international from its origins in the 1860s through its height of several million members, to its later decline and…
1921–1944: The crushing of the FAUD by Hitler An account of the decline and crushing of the anarcho-syndicalist trade union the FAUD in Hitler’s Germany.
1918-1921: The Italian factory occupations and Biennio Rosso A brief history of the Italian Biennio Rosso (two red years) and the mass factory occupations of…
Spain: Mercadona supermarket strike Workers at the logistics centre in Sant Sadurni d'Anoia, Barcelona of the Spanish Supermarket chain Mercadona are entering the fourth month of…
An interview with the Awareness League of Nigeria, 1994 Here we publish extracts of an interview with Samuel, General Secretary of the Awareness League, the newest section of the International Workers Association, the anarcho-syndicalist international. The interview took place in Spain in August 1994, and is translated from "Le Combat Syndicaliste".