Top 10 Marxists (non-Leninist) Top 10 Marxists (non-Leninist) in terms of influence on Marxism through history. Adapted from…
Michael Bakunin, a Biographical Sketch - James Guillaume Biographical sketch of Mikhail Bakunin, written by James Guillaume, early collectivist anarchist and…
Works of Mikhail Bakunin - reading guide Works of the founder of Anarchism Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876) or published collections of works of Bakunin. (for biographies of Bakunin see here)
Biographies of and works about Mikhail Bakunin - reading guide Book length or pamphlet length (10,000 words+) or otherwise notable biographies of the life of and…
Socialism from Below: A History of Anarchism A short history of Anarchism both as a philosophy and as a movement, written during World War II.
St Imier - The Congress of the Anti-authoritarian International After the expulsion of the anarchists at the Congress of the International Workingmen's Association …
Divide and conquer or divide and subdivide? How not to refight the First International – Mark Leier A pamphlet by labour historian Mark Leier (author of Bakunin: The Creative Passion)…
She stood on the barricades - Robyn Karina A brief account of Elisabeth Dmitrieff, an eager revolutionary from Russia, and her journey in organising thousands of working class women during…
Marksizm Pierwszej Międzynarodówki - Karl Korsch Niemiecki marksista Karl Korsch o Pierwszej Międzynarodówce (Międzynarodowym Stowarzyszeniu Robotników). Tekst napisany w 1924 r.
Statism and anarchy - Mikhail Bakunin Part of the series Containing his most fully-developed critique of Marx and his…
La estonteco de Sankta-Imjero kaj la esperantlingvanoj: Ĝemil Kessous Artikolo pri la inter rilato de la frue socialista Movado kaj la esperanta lingvo. Precipe la du…
State of the Union: Marx and America’s Unfinished Revolution – Robin Blackburn Robin Blackburn on the failure of post-Civil War attempts to extend egalitarian impulses across race…