The Mexican - Jack London Jack London's short story about a boxer who prize fights to fund the Mexican revolution.
The Magonista Revolt in Tijuana: A Prelude to the San Diego Free Speech Fight (excerpt from Under the Perfect Sun: The San Diego Tourists Never See; The New Press: 2003, by Jim…
La Meksikano Felipe Rivera: Jack London Rankonto pri la vivo de Felipe Rivera, la Meksikano boksisto kaj revolucia. Skribis per Jack London en 1911 (eldonis en 1913).
Industrial Worker (March 3, 1917) Articles from the March 3, 1917 (Vol. 1, No. 47, Whole No. 47) issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the…
The Iron Heel- Jack London Dystopian sci-fi novel. The character agitates and struggles for a socialist revolution against an oligarchy. Envisages fascism, despite being…