Empty Cribs - John Barker An article on how the forces of Hierarchy&Capital run into contradictions and become furious that they cannot command the right kind of women to…
Hierarchy&Capital, a snug, smug and shitty couple Article by John Barker from 2022, which is relevant to the current full-on reclaiming of the privileges which the privileged believe they have lost: privileges of gender, race, class and species.
Art + Politics = Revolution - John Barker An early text by John Barker, republished as part of "The Lost Ones Around King Mob" on the Revolt Against Plenty website.
Lost Ones Around King Mob Miscellaneous King Mob (and associated) leaflets and declamatory statements, compiled by David Wise for the Revolt Against Plenty Website.
A stitch in time: the ‘orchestrated networks’ of bloody Taylorism - John Barker An analysis of the global clothing supply chain, its technology and organisation of labour; it's…
From coca to capital: free trade cocaine John Barker on the 'War on Drugs', unequal free trade legislation, and their relationship with capitalism and its woes more broadly.
Frequently Asserted Fallacies of the Crisis and How to Quash Them As the government's savage cuts swing into motion, The Mute Collective and John Barker take on some…
Sticky fingers: KPMG and the accountancy oligopoly Following their involvement in the bankruptcy of car parts manufacturer Visteon, John Barker examines KPMG and the murky world of the "big four"…
Castoriadis, Cornelius, 1922-1997 - John Barker An obituary and overview of the work of Cornelius Castoriadis, whose early theoretical writings had a strong influence on the UK Solidarity…
Review: Vague's Anarchy in the UK: The Angry Brigade - John Barker An excellent piercing, critical review - by an ex-Brigade member - of Vague's romanticising,…