Red flags torn: a brief sketch of some problems with unions - Ed Goddard An article by Ed Goddard, that originally appeared in Black Flag, briefly explaining some of the…
An open letter to Socialist Worker on autonomism and the fight for change An open letter to Socialist Worker newspaper in response to possibly the most ill informed smear of…
A communist critique of some aspects of early CrimethInc. - Steven Johns A critique of early CrimethInc. writings, written by one of the libcom group between 2005 and 2006…
Student radicals: An incomplete history of protest at the University of Sussex, 1971-75 Ed Goddard of presents the history of student radicalism at the University of Sussex in…
Interview with the Seattle Solidarity Network (SeaSol), 2010 interviews a member of the Seattle Solidarity Network, a direct action group that is…
Basic principles of revolutionary organisation A brief outline of basic points of agreement which we think are the minimum necessary to be the basis of potentially productive pro-revolutionary…
Morning Star on strike! Interview with a worker As staff at socialist daily newspaper, the Morning Star, prepare to go on strike this Sunday over pay and conditions, Ed Goddard from…
Lezioni apprese dal gruppo MWR - Intervista ad uno dei membri del gruppo Resistenza dei lavoratori McDonald intervista uno dei membri fondatori del gruppo di impiegati de “la… further reading guide's reading guides, organised by subject, including other media like film and photographs.
Lavoro comunità politica guerra - Il manifesto di, tradotto in Italiano da
¿Rescates o cooperativas? Traducción al castellano del debate que tuvo lugar en sobre cooperativas y autogestión, y su uso como herramienta estratégica.
¿Parecon o comunismo libertario? Un debate acerca de 'visión anti-capitalista' entre Project for a Participatory Society, partidarios de la economía participativa (ParEcon) y el grupo