On Italian Workerism - Riccardo Bellofiore & Massimiliano Tomba This text was published as an afterword to the Italian publication of Steve Wright's book on Italian…
Workerism and Politics - Mario Tronti This is the text of Mario Tronti’s lecture at the 2006 Historical Materialism conference. It provides a brief, evocative synopsis of Tronti’s…
Between Panzieri and Negri: Mario Tronti and the workerism of the 1960s and 1970s This is the text of Bellofiore’s lecture at the 2006 Historical Materialism conference. It gives an…
Towards a critique of political democracy - Mario Tronti Bringing the heterodox Marxist traditions of ‘workerism’ and the ‘autonomy of the political’…
Panzieri Tronti Theses In his introduction in Aut Aut, Dario Lanzardo says that these 'could be' entitled 'Theses On The Party' but the authors never referred to them…
The strategy of refusal - Mario Tronti This article develops a concept that has been fundamentals to autonomous politics in Italy - the concept of the working class refusal - The…