1977-80: Gay Activists Boycott Orange Juice A rather strange chapter in history, Miami Dade county passed an ordinance banning discrimination against homosexuals in housing or employment,…
Putting labor’s house in order: the Transport Workers Union and labor anti-Communism in Miami during the 1940s An essay by Alex Lichtenstein about how 'red-baiting' and anti-Communism effected a CIO union in Miami during the 1940s.
Fighting back in high-end hotels: an interview with a Miami Wobbly An interview with an IWW member in Miami about working in hotels.
Taxing our lives: unpaid costs and wages in transit An article about transit, its relationship to work and capitalism, and an exploration of a revolutionary anti-capitalist orientation towards…
From the square to the block to the shop: spread the occupation amid the whirlwind of crisis Statement aimed at the #Occupy movement from Miami Autonomy & Solidarity