The New Left: a case study in professional-managerial class radicalism - Barbara and John Ehrenreich The second part of the Ehrenreich's text on the professional managerial class…
The professional-managerial class - Barbara and John Ehrenreich Oft-cited 1976 text by the Ehrenreichs on the emergence of a new professional managerial class in…
They're Calling Us "Petty-Bourgeois" Again - Paul Petard Article on the term "petit bourgeois" from "The Whinger" number 7, Fall 2008.
China: Neijuan - New Wildcat article We translated this new Wildcat article, written by a comrade who has been living in China for a while. Click here for the original article.
Mythology About the Middle Class and the Class Struggle The notion that there exists a growing middle class whose livelihood rests neither on wage labour…
PMC Posturing - Asad Haider Asad Haider investigates the idea of the "Professional-Managerial Class", and the idea that "identity politics" is an expression of this group's…
The Rise of Black Counter-Insurgency An analysis from Ill Will Editions looking at the role of the Black middle class in the process that ensured "we became good protestors, we…
The Enemy is Middle Class - Andy Anderson and Mark Anderson Controversial book published by Openly Classist in 1998.
Two cheers for the decline of the middle class A short piece that challenges an article of faith among most commentators.
Miguel Amorós interviewed by Rubén Martín for El Informador (Guadalajara) A March 2018 interview in which Miguel Amorós discusses his anti-development concepts, the global…
"Middle class": masochistic repressive paranoid moralism - humanaesfera An attempt to analyze how the material conditions of existence explain the reactionary psychology…
The veins of Latin America are more open than ever – Miguel Amorós The text of a 2017 presentation on the key role of extractive industries in contemporary world…