In Excited Times: The People Against The Blackshirts - Nigel Todd An excellent book about the fight against Oswald Mosley's fascists in the North East of England in…
Fascism and anti-Fascism in the Medway Towns 1927-1940 - David Turner Booklet published by Kent Anti-Fascist Committee in 1993.
Stoned by the Mersey: Opposing the Blackshirts in Liverpool History article from issue 13 of Anti-Fascist Action's Fighting Talk magazine.
Trouble on the Tyne: The fight against the Blackshirts in the North-East History article from Anti-Fascist Action's Fighting Talk magazine issue 10.
Hulme against fascism, 1936 A short account of the attacks on Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists organisation in Hulme, Manchester.
The battle of Stockton, 1933 A short account, by David Walsh, of the smashing off the streets of Oswald Mosley's fascist Blackshirts in Stockton.
Liverpool versus Oswald Mosley, 1937 A short account of the time in 1937 when fascist leader Oswald Mosley attempted to address the people of Liverpool, and was promptly hospitalised…
Fascism and anti-fascism in 1930s Manchester An account of the growth of fascism in Manchester in the early 1930s, and working class resistance to it.
Newcastle fights the fascists Account of the 1934 routing of fascists in Newcastle, England, by Albert Meltzer and Tom Brown.