Accumulation of Freedom: Writings on Anarchist Economics Collection of writings from various writers/thinkers on a range of topics, including a history of…
The sad conceit of Participatory economics Anarchist Federation critically discusses Participatory Economics( Parecon) From Organise Issue 62, Summer 2004. see original here http://flag…
For a new fanaticism: Analysis will never be enough Lou Rinaldi reviews and gives criticism to parecon writer Robin Hahnel's essay in The Accumulation of Freedom: Writings on Anarchist Economics.
A worker's critique of parecon Criticism of the idea of participatory economics, or parecon, from the perspective of a worker. Despite its theoreticians' grand plans, we resist…
Parecon or libertarian communism? A debate over 'anti-capitalist vision' between the Project for a Participatory Society, proponents of Parecon, and the group.