China Blue China Blue is a documentary that follows a 17 year old Chinese girl migrating from her home in the Sichuan province to work in a jeans factory in Guangdong. It shows the harsh realities as a…
Government officials flee Zhejiang village over land grab protests Another Chinese village, apparently inspired by the Wukan uprising of last year, has been protesting…
Up The Yangtze A documentary about the effects the building of the Three Gorges Dam across the Yangtze river in China has had on the people who lived in the surrounding areas. It a gives a good insight…
Flight from the land and food riots Excellent article by Wildcat Germany analysing the food crisis and the global agricultural industry under capitalism.
Everyday forms of peasant resistance - James C. Scott "Everyday resistance" is the most common form of opposition to oppression. It consists of…
Who owns the land? Peasant struggles in Indonesia An overview with historical background information of peasant struggles and land struggles in Indonesia.
The revolutionary workers movement and the agrarian question - Amadeo Bordiga In this text first published in 1947, Amadeo Bordiga briefly discusses the historical and juridical…
The West Siberian uprising, 1921-1922 A short account of the West Siberian uprising against the Bolsheviks.
The moral economy reviewed - E. P. Thompson The follow-up article to E. P. Thompson's classic 'The moral economy of the English crowd in the 18th century' from the book Customs in common.
Peasant women's protest during collectivisation - Lynne Viola A history of women's riots against collectivization in Stalin's Russia.
Karl Marx on the transition from feudalism to capitalism - Claudio.J.Katz A useful summary of the argument that the class struggle of the peasantry was crucial in the…
China's migrant workers Wildcat's history and analysis of internal migration in China from the 1950s until today.